Monday, May 17, 2010

You'd think I'd get tired of always being right.

Ok, so when I started all of this, I knew in the back of my head, despite all of my good intentions, that this would likely fall by the wayside in no time. I knew that I would be gung-ho about blogging, about writing in general, and about sharing creative space with friends and family. We actually all kept it up for a while, much to my surprise. I suppose life gets in the way, though, and other things become a priority.

That's the thing, though. For most of the last year, I have had little to no priorities. I had no job, no relationship, no life, pretty much. I sat around, watched a lot of tv, searched the same few job websites way too much, and just generally did nothing. The logical person would assume this meant lots of time for blogging, writing, journaling, and creativity in general. Sure, being laid off did afford me time to do all of those things, but I couldn't bring myself to blog about my life. Here's how it would have gone:

Got up at 10 today. Ok, maybe it was 11. Had some lunch, surfed some job web sites, watched Gilmore Girls.

That's seriously what a typical day looked like for "Lay Off Sandi." Who in their right mind would ever read anything like that? Why would I want to write it? To make myself feel worse? No, I decided that until I had something to write about, I was not going to write anything at all.

Isn't it funny how I could make that rule and stick to it, but "Stop eating junk food" falls by the wayside after a day?

I don't really have a huge lot of things to write about, because with the one exception of getting a job, my life is pretty much as boring as the above statement; I just get up much earlier. I had signed up for a Creative Writing class at MUN, and was really looking forward to getting those proverbial creative juices flowing. I knew I had some good ideas, I just needed a little prodding to unleash them. The class was cancelled due to lack of interest. Come on, wannabe writers! There's got to be a few more of you guys out there somewhere!

In lieu of the class, I vowed to write something every week. I gave myself homework, as it were. I would either journal, blog, or work on some stories. So far, it's been going pretty well. I have started a short story, I've at least re-read a few I've already started in the hopes I'll pick them up again, and have even written some haikus. Don't look at me like that. Haikus are fun.

I was talking about this with The Friends, NL Edition, AKA, Tracey and Dave. They are not to be confused with The Friends, Ottawa Edition, or Susanne, Frank and Paul. Tracey and Dave have also shown an interest in blogging and writing, so we three decided we would write something and get together semi-regularly to present it and discuss it. Well, we gave ourselves our first assignment, but have sadly not been able to get together for the review. I have four pages of a short story to show them. If it doesn't totally suck, I'll post it here.

As well, I've toyed with the idea of a personal blog. I love the idea of it, and it will be fun and cathartic to write about what I'm feeling or what's happening to me, but I am really afraid it's just going to be a whiny complain-fest, and no one wants to read that. I've got a few entries written, though, and I like them so far. I'll update this blog and Facebook with details if I set this up.

Here's a haiku, just for fun:

Go see my new blog.
I swear it won't be whiny.
Hopefully, you'll laugh.