Sunday, June 14, 2009

Week One down...hopefully not too many more to go

Week 1 at CT is over and done with.

The positives:
1) it's a paycheck (once again, because it feels good to say it, TAKE THAT, CAPITAL ONE JERKS!)
2) there are a lot of really nice people there
3) I work Monday to Friday
4) the 1st time in my life working with Dad

The negatives:
1) it's wreaking havoc on my feet and back
2) my hands are all dried out & cracked from handling cardboard
3) my shifts will be 6am to 2pm
4) I cut my finger on Wednesday & had to get 2 stitches

So it's a tie so far. I still have some slim hopes about 2 other, more suitable jobs.

Keep your fingers (stitched or not)crossed.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Since that time (4-4 tie) have things swung one way or the other?
