Saturday, August 29, 2009

Fallen by the wayside

Things defintely have gotten really quiet on here, I agree, Lauren.

We have to start posting again, all of us.

Doesn't have to be profound.

Doesn't have to be earth-shattering.

Doesn't even have to be coherent.

It's a forum for all of us to stay in touch, to inform others of cool/interesting stuff, to post recent work (pics, stories, drawings, etc), or whatever else you want it to be.

I know for my part (re: my excuse) is that I am working and therefore I don't have the time. That is a horrible reason not to be posting here. All it takes is a few minutes a day, week, whatever, to do so.


On the news front, I have an interview with Steele Communications on Monday. VOCM are looking for a copywriter. Cross your extremities that I get the job.

I also applied to MUN, they are looking for IT consultants. Not likely I will get that job.

I continue to work on my "Barge" idea. Going to put in some time at it today in fact.

Other than that it's status quo.

Let's all make a better effort to resume posting here. Find something you are interested in, an issue that concerns you, and write about it.

Pretty simple really.

1 comment:

  1. My job doesn't fill me with too much joy every day, and I think Declan would say same about his, but I try to take some elements out of it that I do enjoy, so it makes it slightly easier. And we both try our best to do the thing we love to do, photography.

    I would love to have a photography related job, but I can hang on for another little while i guess. Dreams can take a sabbatical. Just not for too long for some I suppose, and rightly so.

    I am very glad to see that there are some things in your life lately that are getting well on track. The weight loss and health and also the quitting smoking has come along great and I know that you will stick to it!

    Here is to hoping that a great job will come along real soon and pay brilliantly! And if not the first writing work you put out could bring you that windfall!

    And dont forget about me and Deckers when that fortune comes through! Western Union reaches Ireland! :-)
