Monday, January 26, 2009

Introducing.........The Noseworthys!

So, we Noseworthy siblings (sans Bob) were sitting around over Christmas, lamenting the availability of fun, creative, ways in which to make a living. We are all creative in some way, be it writing, photography, music, illustration; why could we not turn that into employment of some kind? What we needed was one good idea. We needed a sure-fire, money making idea that would allow us to throw of the shackles of the cubicle world and become a professional writer. Ok, so it’s just me who works in a cubicle, but you get the idea. We all needed an outlet for all of this creativity. So, in the absence of paying jobs, I thought, “Why not start a blog?” I know we’re a little behind on the whole ‘blog’ thing, as people have been doing this for years, but, blogs can be helpful in many ways, including their therapeutic value, but as well, you never know who might read something one of us wrote, or saw one of Lauren’s pictures, or whatever the case may be. People have managed to turn web sites and blogs into their careers, why not The Noseworthys?

So, here’s our blog. All of the Noseworthy kids will be contributing in some way, shape or form. Even Reggie may make a guest appearance. We will all be authors of this blog, and I’m sure we’ll provide you all with nothing but interesting and informative reading, as well as a few laughs. I can only hope the laughs are with us and not at us, but this is the internet, after all. It’s peopled almost entirely with message boarders and other bloggers who feel it’s their job to criticize and mock.

It’s too early to say what form the blog will take, or what subjects we’ll be writing about, but for now, I just like having the option of sitting at the computer and typing without any particular agenda. As we go along, I’m sure it will take on some sort of organized form. For those of you who know me, you know that organization is not my strong suit. Maybe one of the more practical Noseworthys will come up with a solution for this potential problem. I just hope, that you, our friends, acquaintances, and family will give it a read, make comments when the spirit moves you, and generally support this endeavour.

Here’s a little about us:

Bob- The oldest (Happy Birthday tomorrow!), he’s a writer, illustrator, teacher, lover of flags. That’s an important “L” there, folks. Bob lives in Beijing with his wife LiLi where he teaches English.

Geoff- The second boy, he goes by “Gibbo” for reasons I’m still not that sure of, really. Gibbo’s a writer, ad guy, listener of Saxon, house computer-fixer-guy, and reformed smoker. Gibbo lives in St. John’s, the lucky devil!

Sandi- Me! The middle child, although Lauren really has the ‘chip on her shoulder’ complex. She’s protesting as she reads this, but it’s true. I live in Ottawa, and I write, or at least I try to. Not by trade, of course...I have a ‘real job’, such as it is. I’m single, and you may just be hearing about some dating (mis)adventures on this blog. I bet you can’t wait!

Lauren- The middle girl. Lauren’s a photographer/photojournalist who isn’t allowed to write anything on the blog. For those of you who have tried to decipher one of her emails will know why. Lauren lives in Dublin with her boyfriend, Declan, who has been made an honorary Noseworthy, in the hopes that he’ll post some awesome pictures here. He does have his own blog, once I’ll post a link to once I figure out how to do that.

Allyson- The baby. Awwwww. I suppose now that she’s 30 (ha!) she can’t really be called a baby anymore, but she’s the youngest of the five. She is a talented musician and singer, and lives in Mount Pearl (boo!) with her husband, Terry, who is also quite the prolific musician, and who will hopefully also contribute here.

John and Anne are so proud.

We also have very talented friends who will become frequent contributors to the blog once it’s on its feet. Well, maybe they will be after we bribe them with some beers. You would think the chance to write on the Noseworthy blog would be prestigious enough, really.

And so begins the epic Noseworthy blog. Be prepared for many pop culture references, Simpsons quotes, obscure song lyrics and general good times. Please feel free to read at your leisure and comment when possible.

Peace out.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sandi, Bob, Lauren, Allyson, Geoff, and Declan,

    The site looks really good! It will be interesting to read some of your blogs and get your views on things. Good luck everyone!!
