Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Harsh Winter

It's been an unusually cold winter in Dublin this year. There was even ice on the lake in the park a few weeks ago. Still cant complain, can we? This photo was taken last Saturday in St Stephens Green. We should enjoy it while we can, in a year or two they are digging up a large part of the historic green to build an underground train station.


  1. Oh I see. So Declan's an 'honorary Noseworthy' then is he? That's fine, no seriously, that's grand. Just because, you know, I know all of you a LOT longer than he does doesn't mean I should have been considered for this blog at all. That's. Just. Great.

    Personally, I would have thought you would have been glad to have the Queen of Ireland - for that is in fact my real name - writing for your blog, but obviously I was mistaken.

    Have Declan then, see if I care!

    (PS: LOVE the blog, well done!)Karen

  2. I suppose you have to be snogging a Noseworthy to be an honorary one. That's the rule I'm sticking to now, anyway! Plus, with Declan dividing his time between our blog and his, that Blog Award will surely be yours! Mwahahaha!!!

  3. Oh you have to be snogging a Noseworthy? Oh I'll snog a Noseworthy! You think I wouldn't? Huh? Well that's where you're wrong Missy, you want a Noseworthy snog, you got it!


  4. Gosh, I can't wait until your next visit, Karen!!

  5. A snog wont cut it I'm afraid. To be honest the things you'll have to do to get an honorary Noseworthy log-in would probably annoy Damien more than a little.

  6. There seems to be a problem posting comments from Firefox? IE7 works fine but Firefox 3 seems to loose my comments.

  7. At a quick count, off the top of my head I seem to be posting to 4 blogs, 1 that I've stopped contributing to but should still have a login and 2 test ones. I'm a geek :-(

  8. Geekiness is welcomed, even encouraged sometimes. One thing, though, if the quality of your posts or comments is low because you're spreading yourself over too many blogs, you're out. End of story.
