Thursday, May 28, 2009

Nothing new to report

Just as the title says,no new news to pass along. The job hunt continues, frustrating and fruitless. The workouts continue, and are more rewarding than the job hunt. Also working away on several projects, including the aforementioned Barge story.

Other than that, its status quo.

Friday, May 22, 2009

New story idea, from an old Glenn Myrick/Geoff Noseworthy comedy idea

I was talking to my friend Karen the other day, and I happened to mention 'the barge' to her. Some of you may know about the barge, while a large number of you may not.

Basically, the barge is floating in the North Atlantic, and is a place where we (me, Glenn, Dave, Trevor et al) send jerks, idiots, morons and other undesirables.

Not just local undesirables either. We put celebrity jerks on the barge too. I think Dion Sanders was the first to go.

Anyways, in talking to Karen, and explaining the concept of the barge, she suggested that the whole idea would make a good sci-fi story. So, to that end, I am going to try my hand at writing something revolving around the barge.

Let me know what you think. Suggestions and comments welcome and appreciated.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Just a quick note...

Hello Noseworthys and other loyal readers. I do want to apologize for not being a good blogger lately. I was without internet access for a while, and have been trying to keep my internet use of late for job searching only. I don't want to get into too much of a routine of time suckage.

I'm glad you're still posting stuff, Geoff. Thanks for sharing your poems. I've got a few ideas about stories I'd like to write, so hopefully, you'll see those soon.

I hope all is well with everyone.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Poetry? Part 10

I Am Nothing

I am nothing
I am defined by my job
I have no job
No work at all
I sit at home
While others go to work each day

I am nothing
I am defined by the money I make
I make no money
No money at all
My bank account is empty
While others get a check each week

I am nothing
I am defined by my marital status
I have no significant other
No one at all
My life is lonely
While others go home to someone special

I am nothing
I am defined by my intelligence
I had average marks
Mostly B’s
My record is also average
While others scored higher than me

I am nothing
I am defined by my tastes in life’s pleasures
I like unique things
Strange music, classic movies
While others enjoy what is popular

I am nothing
I am defined by my appearance
I am short, fat, and bald
Not popular, not good looking
While others get the attention

I am nothing
I have no special talents
I am no better than anyone
The world goes on
People who don’t deserve it succeed
While I struggle with myself
Never to be found?

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Poetry? Part Nine


All a dream
Can’t scream
Try to run
Dream has begun

Trying to fight you off
Hoping to break away
I can’t let go
Don’t you know?
I’m terrified

I see
You in front of me
A flash
And a crash

Trying to fight you off
Hoping to break away
I can’t let go
Don’t you know?
I’m terrified

Nowhere to turn
Feel a burn
Can‘t bear
Only despair

Trying to fight you off
Hoping to break away
I can’t let go
Don’t you know?
I’m terrified

Only pain
You’re insane
Shut my eyes
I realize

Trying to fight you off
Hoping to break away
I can’t let go
Don’t you know?
I’m terrified

See a light
End the fight
Slowly slips away
Don’t know what to say

Trying to fight you off
Hoping to break away
I can’t let go
Don’t you know?
I’m terrified

No mistake
Look around
Solid ground

Succeeded in fighting you off
Managed to break away
I can let go
Don’t you know?
I’ve overcome

Friday, May 8, 2009

No title?

That last poem was written in about 10 minutes.I'm not saying that to brag, by any means. But I felt inspired, and that was the result.

I am a very sporadic writer. I can go for days and days, and not write anything. Then in 10 minutes I can write 500 words. Some may wonder how in the world I ever get anything done, but it somehow seems to work for me.

Some of the poetry does contain dark images. Some of the images do really reflect the way I feel. But in no way do I feel as down as it might seem. Sure, I am going through a rough stretch right now, with only my workout routine being the real bright light (I have lost 30 pounds in six months, and I am saying that to brag). But I don't quite feel as down as some of my writing might make it seem.

Back to the way I write.

I wrote an essay on this exact subject for my creative non-fiction class as part of my diploma program. Sort of a journal of the process of me writing the essay, which itself was a chronicle of how I wrote it (and other pieces in general).

The essay was very well received by my classmates (who were a tough group of critics, I have to say). But my professor wasn't so tied to it. He was at first, but the more he read it, the more he felt like it was lazy writing. He also said it's the type of story you get away with once and only once.

I loved writing it. It gave me a chance to be funny (which a lot of people tell me I am good at), and it really captured the lack of style that I guess is my style.

Maybe I will have to post it here for everyone to read.

Poetry? Part Eight


I can see you
Not caring
Looking at me
What is it that you see?
Is it someone else?
Is it someone you hate?
Can you relate?

Turning it over in my mind
It’s not clear what I will find
I think I’m losing my grip
I feel like I’m about to flip
As you stare right through me

I’m on the edge
I’m losing control
It’s near the end for me
I want to give in
It’s time to stop
What do you see?
Is it someone you can be?
Is it someone like me?

Turning it over in my mind
It’s not clear what I will find
I think I’m losing my grip
I feel like I’m about to flip
As you stare right through me

I forget who I am
Don’t know where to begin
Think I lost my head
Know I can’t go back again
To the place where you are
Do you like the new me?
Will you spend time with me?
Or am I doomed to futility?

Turning it over in my mind
It’s not clear what I will find
I think I’m losing my grip
I feel like I’m about to flip
As you stare right through me

All I see is empty
All I feel is nothing
All I think is blank
All I hope is dead
Is this the way it’s supposed to be?
Or is there more on the way?
Will you guide me to the light?

Turning it over in my mind
It’s not clear what I will find
I think I’m losing my grip
I feel like I’m about to flip
As you stare right through me

Going over in my head
All the things that I did
Taking time to fix mistakes
That were caused by my neglect
Yet I have no regret
Will I make the right choice?
Can I find the right voice?
Will I take the right path?

Turning it over in my mind
It’s not clear what I will find
I think I’m losing my grip
I feel like I’m about to flip
As you stare right through me

Am I right?
Am I sane?
Can I win?

Turning it over in my mind
It’s not clear what I will find
I think I’m losing my grip
I feel like I’m about to flip
As you stare right through me

Adding to the problems we all have
No way to worry about them all
Can’t help feeling weary
Knowing that it’s too much
Did I do the wrong thing?
Where is the help from above?
Is this the only way?

Turning it over in my mind
It’s not clear what I will find
I think I’m losing my grip
I feel like I’m about to flip
As you stare right through me

Turning it over in my mind
It’s not clear what I will find
I think I’m losing my grip
I feel like I’m about to flip
As you stare right through me
Stare right through me.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Positive, but not as positive as I'd hoped

This is the positive.

I wrote the script, the video was done by TA Loeffler. The audio is now running on the radio here.

Other than that, just some feedback on a project I was working on. Nothing new to report, unfortunately.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Turning the corner?

I have a meeting tomorrow with Water Werks, so it looks like I might be getting back to work soon.

Asking that everyone keep their fingers crossed that this turns into something positive, and hopefully something long-term.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Workin' 9 to 5, what a way to.....What do you mean laid off????

So, as some of you already know, I was laid off on Wednesday. It was a surprise and not a surprise all at the same time. I don't know if I believe in fate or not, but the universe seemed to be giving me signs that it was going to happen.

It does royally suck, as employment is a good thing. Being able to pay bills is a very good thing. Having a pint with the friends every now and again is also a good thing. The prospect of not being able to do any of these is not an appealing one.

I don't think I've been without a job since I was 15 years old. That's more than half my life. Even when I was in school, I had a job, or two, or three. It feels weird to not have a job to go to on Monday. I think that's when it will really hit me.

I was pretty vocal all along about not being totally in love with being a Distribution and VAR Specialist. It was a lot of answering the phone and answering emails, which I think I've had quite enough of. But, Corel is a fun place to work. There are a lot of fantastic people around who made getting up and going to work an enjoyable experience. I will miss that, for sure.

Anyway, I've been doing a lot of soul-searching lately, and have been thinking of making a big change in my life, so this may actually turn out to be the best thing for me. It might just be the kick in the arse that I needed. I now have to make a big decision; to move home or not to move home? I think I'd been putting off making that decision, because it means a lot of work on my part. But now, I've got a lot of heavy lifting ahead of me, and I just have to do it. I'm just thankful I have some severance pay to make it all a little easier!