Saturday, May 9, 2009

Poetry? Part Nine


All a dream
Can’t scream
Try to run
Dream has begun

Trying to fight you off
Hoping to break away
I can’t let go
Don’t you know?
I’m terrified

I see
You in front of me
A flash
And a crash

Trying to fight you off
Hoping to break away
I can’t let go
Don’t you know?
I’m terrified

Nowhere to turn
Feel a burn
Can‘t bear
Only despair

Trying to fight you off
Hoping to break away
I can’t let go
Don’t you know?
I’m terrified

Only pain
You’re insane
Shut my eyes
I realize

Trying to fight you off
Hoping to break away
I can’t let go
Don’t you know?
I’m terrified

See a light
End the fight
Slowly slips away
Don’t know what to say

Trying to fight you off
Hoping to break away
I can’t let go
Don’t you know?
I’m terrified

No mistake
Look around
Solid ground

Succeeded in fighting you off
Managed to break away
I can let go
Don’t you know?
I’ve overcome


  1. Are you trying to break away from a person, or are you personifying stress, or fear, or something like that?

  2. It might seem like getting away from an actual person,but it is a sort of personification of fear, yes.
