Friday, May 22, 2009

New story idea, from an old Glenn Myrick/Geoff Noseworthy comedy idea

I was talking to my friend Karen the other day, and I happened to mention 'the barge' to her. Some of you may know about the barge, while a large number of you may not.

Basically, the barge is floating in the North Atlantic, and is a place where we (me, Glenn, Dave, Trevor et al) send jerks, idiots, morons and other undesirables.

Not just local undesirables either. We put celebrity jerks on the barge too. I think Dion Sanders was the first to go.

Anyways, in talking to Karen, and explaining the concept of the barge, she suggested that the whole idea would make a good sci-fi story. So, to that end, I am going to try my hand at writing something revolving around the barge.

Let me know what you think. Suggestions and comments welcome and appreciated.


  1. I started writing the opening on Friday. I think it has pretty good potential. Not entirely a new idea, but given the setting & the basic concept, I think I can make it work.
