Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Applying myself

Well I have to say I'm sad that it's come to this, but I applied to some retail & call center jobs yesterday and today. Enterprise Rent-A-Car. Rona (Chester Dawe). Convergy's.

I have pretty much hit rock bottom.

I am not at all happy with this. It feels like giving up on any chance to have a career in writing. It feels like taking a massive step back after taking such a massive step forward. The demand for money made me go in this direction. No money coming in, and an increasing urgency for money going out. I might not have the expenses everyone else has, but it's all relative. And remember, while some of you might have more expenses, you are working and earning some kind of pay check, or are in a situation where you have someone else to support you. (Yes, I have Mom and Dad at the moment, and they have helped a lot. But they're not going to help forever.)

Feeling pretty low about all of this. Don't really know what else to do.


  1. It sucks. There's really no other way to put it. It has to be done, and we have to drag our arses out of bed and go to jobs we may really dislike just to be able to get by.

    I have a friend who is a published author and a journalist, and he has been looking for steady work for years. He would get short contracts here and there or freelance jobs, but nothing permanent. He's had to give it up since being laid off from his last job, and now he's going to work for the government.

    In a way, I'm glad I didn't pursue journalism, as it seems to be quite the harsh mistress, so to speak. Getting permanent jobs seems little to do with skill and a lot to do with luck. I can imagine that living in a small city like St. John's makes it that much tougher.

    I am currently looking at my situation as a way to finance my future writing career. Sure, I spend 8 hours a day NOT writing, but I can pursue the creative writing thing in my spare time, hoping that one day, I can make it work and not have to do it anymore.

    Again, it totally sucks. But, it's what we have to do until we come up with our great idea of how to make our writing work for us.

  2. Don't give up hope Geoff. I know that getting a just-for-a-paycheck job is the last thing you wanted to do, but it's necessary for now. Whatever you do, don't give up on your dream. It may have to take a bit of a breather for a while, but you've worked so hard to get where you are and I would hate to see you lose hope now.
    Like Sandi said, it totally sucks, but it's what you have to do for now. Not forever, but for now. Think of how many times people change jobs and career paths in their lifetimes. For now you need to make some money, but there will come a time when you can leave that behind and do what you really want to be doing.
    I know this isn't much consolation,but don't let it get you too low. You'll find your place soon.

  3. This is partly why I don't want to get another job right now.
