Tuesday, March 31, 2009


For anyone who thought my sideburns were too long, what about this guy?


  1. Big, long sideburns are one thing, but that is just insane. It's not even a good beard for God's sake!

  2. What a hottie. I wonder if he's single?

  3. He should enter the World Beard and Moustache Championship: http://www.worldbeardchampionships.com/

    It's real, I kid you not.

  4. With a set of hair-tastic muttons like that, not to mention his beautiful blue eyes and a full set of (albeit yellowing) teeth, its not likely he's single, or, if he is, he'll be quickly snapped up.

    I just had a glance at that beard page. Makes me want to grow some of those whoppers just for the fun of it. I know Mom would love it.

  5. Poor Mom. I can just see her face as you walk down the stairs at St. John's airport with one of those.

  6. How on earth is his beard/sideburns completely white, but his hair still ginger? I might have to call shenanigans on that one.
