Thursday, March 26, 2009


With an English degree you'd think I'd have studied more poetry. Alas I only experienced a little, mostly prof's throwing in some poetry with the short stories or novels we were studying.

So, keep that in mind when you are reading this.

And please be honest and critical in your comments. It was a fun experience to write this. I have a few more done as well, and will be sharing them here at some point.


A dark empty feeling.
Alone. Surrounded by nothing.
A positive voice. An encouraging word. A smile.
The happiness is non-existent.
The hope is fading.
The dream is dying.
Reality sets in like the setting of the late March sun.

A mind-numbing feeling.
Alone. Surrounded by nothing.
A surly voice. A sour word. A frown.
The happiness is gone.
The hope has faded.
The dream is dead.
Reality has set in like setting of the late March sun.

A warm, fuzzy feeling?
Together? Surrounded by something?
A happy voice? A loving word? A kiss?
Is this the happiness?
Is this the hope?
Is this the dream?
Will reality set in like the setting of the late March sun?

Going to what is familiar.
Listening to what is comfortable.
No help.
Talking to close friends.
No help.
Avoiding those who seek what I don’t have.
Wishing it would stop.
Hoping it will change.
Looking to make things right.
For the setting of the late March sun.


  1. Even though the mood is negative, or maybe a little despondent/despairing, does the "March sun" represent hopefulness or expectation?

    This kind of sums up a feeling I've had on more than a few occasions, where the future seems like its never going to happen, or, at least, what will happen is not what you want.

    Its funny, though, how creativity tends to come out when things are depressing or sad.

  2. Yes, the March sun is a sign that hopefully things will change.

    I have been feeling really angry lately. But Mom has been telling me that it's counterproductive to be negative, so I'm trying to get out of this funk somehow.

    I'm sure something good will come my way soon.

  3. I like this. I'm a big fan of symmetry, be it in poems or in life in general, so I really like the structure of the poem. As for the subject matter, it's not hard to tell you're in a bit of a dark mood lately, which is just fine..we all go through that from time to time. It's true what Bob said; some of the best work comes about when you're down.

    Keep writing, as it's cathartic, and it's what you want to do. It can only lead to bigger and better things.

  4. It is indeed very cathartic. I feel a little better lately. There are a lot of ideas I would love to work on, and I have a lot of 'works in progress', so there is no shortage of things for me to be doing.

    If only we could make some $$$ off of this!
