Monday, March 23, 2009

Behold the wrath of Lucifer!!!

I have always secretly hated people who would talk to their pets as if they were babies. I hated people who dressed their dogs up in sweaters, jackets, booties and other 'people' clothes. I especially hated when people would refer to themselves as "Mommy" or "Daddy" when talking to their dogs.

Well, I have become (almost) everything I hate. I do talk to my dog sometimes as if she's a kid, although, she was barking at the park yesterday, and I said, "Dude! Keep it down!" So, it's not always baby-talk, I guess. I do call myself "Mommy" as well. I have resisted the whole 'dressing up' thing, though, with one or two exceptions.

That huge disclaimer of sorts was to let you all know that Lucy Noseworthy has turned 5! She's 5 years old! Her birthday was March 19th. We celebrated with a jaunt to Petsmart, where she got a manicure, pedicure, and a nice crunchy bone. She was not pleased about the whole mani/pedi thing.

But here's a pic or two of my girl. She really is a good friend to her "Mommy."


  1. Five years old? Wow. It seems like only yesterday you got her. That will tell you how fast time is going. Unreal.

    Happy belated birthday to Lucy nevertheless!

  2. Awww your puppy is adorable. I do all those silly things to my dogs too, well not the dress up a certain extent, maybe hehe. But nothing is worse than chronically doing the high pitched "mommy" voice. I'm notorious for it.

  3. The first pic is one of the funniest I've ever seen. I'm going to try to find the pic of Lucy with that green toy around her mouth...looks like a beard.
