Wednesday, April 22, 2009

All I Have To Do Is Dream

I always used to be so envious of those people who remembered their dreams. I mean, it isn’t as though I didn’t sleep enough to have dreams! Everyone who knows me knows I’m quite a fan of the late-morning lie-in. I just never had those dreams where I would wake up and think, “Hmm. A unicorn flew down from heaven and gave me a jelly donut. What does that mean?”

If I did remember my dreams, they would be quite literal. If I had an exam, the night before I would dream that I missed it, went to the wrong room, studied the wrong subject, or something similar. I would dream about work, or watching tv or something like that. I actually have had dreams where I was sitting at my work desk, my phone rang, and I answered it. A customer would ask me for a serial number, I would give it to him, and that would be it. Imaginative, no?

I had friends with dream diaries and dream books so they could decipher what the various strange details of their nighttime reveries meant. Who was the strange man in the corner? Why did they go through the red door? It all had some hidden meaning. Me? I got customer calls. I don’t think the dream book had much to say about that.

Lately, though, I have been having strange dreams. I don’t always remember them, but details do stick out in my mind. I had one dream recently, where 5 numbers kept flashing in front of my eyes. I don’t know what they meant in the dream I was having, but you’d better believe I played the lotto that week. Needless to say, I didn’t win anything, but it certainly was worth a shot. My theory on that is that 6-49 and Super 7 requires you to choose 6 and 7 numbers respectively, so after playing my 5 supposedly prophetic numbers, I would have to play other numbers at random. Which ones do I pick? It’s a bit of a conundrum.

Last week, I had a dream about a web site I created. Yes, I know, yet another exciting and obscure dream. I dreamt that I created a web site where people would submit their writing to me, whether it be poems, short stories, general musings, and I would post them. I would contact publishers or the publishers would contact me and we would work to get them published. I saw the website in such fine detail, it was weird. I had such a great feeling about what it represented and what I was doing. Since I have been thinking about doing something like this in real life, there’s no surprise I dreamt about it.

I’ve been wondering a lot lately about how it would be to work in Publishing. It would satisfy my crazy, Grammar Nazi ways as well as nourishing the writer in me. I would love to be a part of making someone’s dreams of becoming a published writer come true. So, you’re saying to yourself, get off your arse and apply for some publishing jobs, Stupid! Well, sure, that only makes sense, but I do lack certain necessary qualifications for said publishing jobs, like an English degree, or any experience in the industry. I don’t see my in-depth knowledge of Corel product part numbers as helpful to me in this endeavour.

So, I’ve been thinking about turning our humble blog into some sort of hub for my writer/photog/artist/musician friends. I would love for it to become more. I don’t know what the ‘more’ means yet, but I would love it to be something akin to my dream, where we could turn our writing into actual published work. There are many details to consider and work out, but I think it’s worth a try. A few of us Noseworthys have written blog posts about the lack of creative jobs and having to consider ‘regular’ jobs and be a writer on the side. Well, we could also take matters into our own hands and make something happen. No one’s going to come knocking on our door unless we put ourselves out there.

Soon, I’ll be emailing friends and acquaintances who would have something to offer our little blog, and hopefully, we can begin to post their work here too. I’ll get the siblings to do the same, and maybe we can start our own little community of creative people. It seemed to work in my dream! Hopefully I can make this one dream come true.

I also have this recurring dream where a very close friend of mine shoots me in the head. What do you think that means? Look that one up in your dream books!!


  1. The dream about the website has been fulfilled...its called "Reed, Rite, Pick, and Drew", and can be handily found at the following URL:


  2. Well, yes, but it could be so much more!!

  3. Well, it was only started in January, so it'll take time to build up. There have been a few examples of poetry and pictures, but they didn't seem to generate much excitement. Hell, my picture of the guy with the sideburns got the most comments!

    I really don't mean to criticize anyone (and certainly not my family), but I think its symptomatic of the internet that most things you do will be greeted by a collective yawn. Geoff and I talked about this a couple of weeks ago. A dumb comment on Facebook to the effect of "I'm bored" or some other foolishness laid out in the "news feed" will get a million comments or "x likes this" or "hahahaharotflmao", while anything creative gets nothing. It leads me to wonder why I even bother with things like Facebook. Since when is "x is going to sleep now, after taking a satisfying dump" NEWS?

    Anyhow, the site will be as good as we make it. I think we've all done a little towards this end, but I'm sure we'd like to do more. We need to support each others' efforts, and, speaking for myself, I may have to wait until I get home to listen to all the various podcasts and the album, because I can't seem to download it here.

  4. More on the subject of dreams...

    Some of mine have actually been so vivid and so realistic that they became stories. They actually played out like movies or novels in my head, and I can remember almost every detail.

    Wouldn't you say that a dream of getting shot indicates some kind of fear of bodily harm? Also, the more you sleep (and especially if you take a long nap in the middle of the day), the worse your dreams tend to be, at least in my experience. Whenever I sleep during the day, my dreams are ugly...usually involving horrible, nasty, relationship-ending fights with LL, Mom and Dad, or you guys. I guess I can put that down to being thousands of miles away and disconnected with familiar people and places. I tend not to sleep during the day anymore.

  5. Yeah, I do find if I take a nap, or if I wake early and go back to sleep, my dreams to tend to be the weirdest. That one about being shot is a recurring's very strange when I actually see the person who shoots me in real life!
