Friday, April 17, 2009

Cape Spear

I got a new laptop recently and it has led me to go through all my old photos again and salvage ones that I didn't pay much attention to previously. Here is one of Cape Spear from my first trip to The Rock. We must visit there again in the summer, though Lauren wants to show me Bonavista and other parts of the island that I haven't seen yet. Any suggestions for other scenic places to visit?


  1. St. Brendan's? Gros Morne? Corner Brook? The latter two are a hell of a drive, but you could fly to Corner Brook, I suppose.

  2. I find that living in Newfoundland, you tend to take the sights and sounds for granted. To me, traveling across the island is nothing more than trees, trees, and more trees until you get to a town or city.

    That being said, Bob's suggestions are excellent ones, as is Terra Nova. You won't really go wrong with any of these places. All it will depend on is what level of comfort you want to have.
