Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Keeping on top of things

While I'm not disagreeing with keeping on top of the blog, I will say that it's not easy to 'force' yourself to write (or do anything creative for that matter). Sometimes you have to stay away from the process altogether, and when you come back to it you are refreshed and ready to write again.

This post is an excellent example of that. I started writing it yesterday and am still working on it. I realize that for some my writing style may seem unorganized and confusing, but somehow it works for me. Of course I have to rely on my editing skills this way, and it forces me to go back through things to make sure I am at least a little coherent.

But I do agree with our youngest sibling contributing more. And don't use the excuse that you have nothing to say!

1 comment:

  1. Had one of those kind of days yesterday...desperately wanted to write/draw something, but nothing happened. A waste of time, but today was better, thank Heaven.
