Monday, February 23, 2009

Let the novel begin!

Well today I took the bull by the horns. (A cliche! Kathleen Winter is going to kill me!) I've been saying that I want to get started on writing a fictional account of Mom's family growing up on St. Brendan's. Recently I started a very rough draft of the opening of the book. Today I actually sat down (with pen and my leather-bound notebook, what with me being a professional writer & all) and started asking Mom about some of her memories.

There are a lot of directions this book can go. But what I think I want to emphasize is strong character development and good physical descriptions of the landscape. I have a lot of this mapped out in my head. Now it's just a matter of putting it to paper (and to Microsoft Word).

As its a snowy day here in good old St. John's, and I have no work pressing, now is as good a time as any to do just that.

Wish me luck!


  1. Good luck with that. Definitely a more noble activity than drawing cute anime girls :)

  2. Also a little more noble than Paul and I gabbing about Mel Gibson and Batman. I can't wait to see how it all goes.

    Oh yeah....there will be more of me and Paul gabbing about Batman and such coming this week!

  3. It's all good, be it writing, drawing, or podcasting. None is above the other in my eyes. We are all doing something creative and that's never a bad thing.

  4. As Mr. Telegram Inquiry Man said "You're quite right, old cock."
