Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Music Years

As a follow on to the day the music died post, I have also been recently delving into music lists and finding likes and dislikes. The list i have is growing as Declan can attest to, and i would say he is slightly frightened at the amount of music I actually enjoy.

Well i can say that my taste has not really changed and knowing all of you, you will snicker at that statement as you may think my taste is shite! But I'm now going through a very huge nostalgic phase, I've always been that way i suppose. I am actually going through a list of music year by year from 1970 onwards . Its a very large list as my taste in the 70's is broad from Zepplin to Dr.Hook to Seals and Crofts. Yes i know that last one is Seals and Crofts but now I'm all about music reminding me of something, and i guess that last one reminds me of an album Mom and Dad had years ago so. Its an interesting process going through songs year by year and who knows when i will stop, but the 70's are patching up to be the banner years so far!


  1. Interesting, because recently I've started to like Neil Diamond more (would have died before admitting I liked him "back in the day") mainly because Mom and Dad had "Forever in Blue Jeans" playing in the car a few times when I was home in the summer, and I guess it reminded me of that and the 70's as well.

  2. This is the thing...there's a lot of songs that I know for a fact I didn't like back when I was young, but I hear them now and I turn them up. I am not so sure it's love of the music so much as, I don't know that I'd buy a Neil Diamond record, but I do enjoy him when he comes on the radio.
