Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Ireland in 1911

The National Archives of Ireland have released the 1911 census. This is a fascinating resource with scanned copies of the original forms filled in by households around Ireland available to download. Personally when I downloaded the form for my grandfathers family I discovered that my great-grandfather was born during the famine. My great-grandparents spoke both Irish and English, something I can not do and neither could their children. They had 10 children, 7 of which were still alive at the time of the census. My father remembers that another 2 died young sometime after the census. Those were harsh times in Ireland.

My family comes from Waterford county close to the area where the Ryans came from. Some members of the Ryan family moved to Newfoundland sometime before 1800 and one of their descendants, Ann Ryan married John Noseworthy in 1967 setting in train a series of events that would eventually lead to this blog. Over 100 years later after the migration to Newfoundland there were still Ryans living in the area. For example in the parish of St Mary's where my family come from there were 13 Ryans any of which could be related to the Newfoundland Ryans and possibly related to the Flynns. What this could make Lauren and myself is probably a matter for absolutely no discussion or debate around the family dinner table...

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Fallen by the wayside

Things defintely have gotten really quiet on here, I agree, Lauren.

We have to start posting again, all of us.

Doesn't have to be profound.

Doesn't have to be earth-shattering.

Doesn't even have to be coherent.

It's a forum for all of us to stay in touch, to inform others of cool/interesting stuff, to post recent work (pics, stories, drawings, etc), or whatever else you want it to be.

I know for my part (re: my excuse) is that I am working and therefore I don't have the time. That is a horrible reason not to be posting here. All it takes is a few minutes a day, week, whatever, to do so.


On the news front, I have an interview with Steele Communications on Monday. VOCM are looking for a copywriter. Cross your extremities that I get the job.

I also applied to MUN, they are looking for IT consultants. Not likely I will get that job.

I continue to work on my "Barge" idea. Going to put in some time at it today in fact.

Other than that it's status quo.

Let's all make a better effort to resume posting here. Find something you are interested in, an issue that concerns you, and write about it.

Pretty simple really.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Anyone out there?

Is this thing on? I cant believe I was the last one to post something! Whats everyone up to these days, nobody have anything to put up?

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Get out the joysticks!

I have not been posting in ages, well i guess none of us have regularly. But I recently came across this lovely piece and it brought me back. With all the computer games played on a Macbook ( sorry Declan :-) ) and games played on a Wii and a PS3 I thought this was a great reminder of how simple and great games can be. No complication, and boy i remember sucking royally at the diving portion of the game. This also could be the reason I got carpal tunnel later in life!

So here it is, and I hope i get a chance to find Winter Games as well!!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Looks like I will be at The Tire for the rest of the summer

Didn't get the job at Upstream. No big deal. At least I have some money coming in with the CT job. Going to move on, and continue to look for opportunities.

I am planning on having one (maybe two) pieces of writing ready for The Telegram's Cuffer Prize. Working on them today as I rest up from a horrible gout attack I had over the weekend.

Monday, July 6, 2009

War Memorial

Lauren and myself are back in St John's for holidays. Last week we visited Bowring Park and saw the new memorial to the dead of World War I, a replica of the Beaumont Hamel memorial in France. It's nice to see the dead of World War I are still being remembered and that new memorials are being built. Normally the list of names on a war memorial can be a little impersonal, rows of name after name. Like masses of soldiers forming an army the names combine to become the memorial, but on the day we visited the memorial a photograph had been placed in a wreath just below the corresponding name on the memorial, George Stringer lost in HMS Viknor.

In Ireland we still have to come to term with our war dead. Prior to independence our troops fought in the British army, still a touchy subject. The War of Independence is not widely commemorated, thugs and criminals have hijacked the name Republican and events such as Easter 1916 so the media and general public have been too afraid to be Republican. Since independence we have been neutral, even sending condolences to the people of Germany on the death of Hitler because that was the neutral thing to do.

Hopefully when the 100th anniversary of World War I comes up in 5 years we will be ready to remember the cost paid by Irish soldiers from towns all over Ireland. We should be able to erect monuments in every town listing our war dead from all wars regardless of the political sensibilities of people living today.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Interview next week

I have an interview next week with Upstream Marketing, who are based out of MUN campus. They said they liked my writing and want me to come in to speak to them.

So, keep your fingers crossed that it works out. I am going to try and do up a small portfolio to bring them, and I have been looking at their client list and the work they have done so far.

Hopefully soon I will be saying goodbye to 6am shifts and sore feet.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Two weeks done

About to begin Week Three at CT.

It's been hard (physically) so far. My feet and back are hurting a lot. I am still not liking the 5am start to my day. But, I'm going to hang in there. I got paid Friday, so that helped take some of the sting out of the negativity.

One of the two jobs I was hoping for is no longer an option. I am still waiting to (not) hear back from the second. And I am always on the lookout for a writing job.

If I can get through the summer I will hopefully be going back to MUN in September.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Week One down...hopefully not too many more to go

Week 1 at CT is over and done with.

The positives:
1) it's a paycheck (once again, because it feels good to say it, TAKE THAT, CAPITAL ONE JERKS!)
2) there are a lot of really nice people there
3) I work Monday to Friday
4) the 1st time in my life working with Dad

The negatives:
1) it's wreaking havoc on my feet and back
2) my hands are all dried out & cracked from handling cardboard
3) my shifts will be 6am to 2pm
4) I cut my finger on Wednesday & had to get 2 stitches

So it's a tie so far. I still have some slim hopes about 2 other, more suitable jobs.

Keep your fingers (stitched or not)crossed.

Friday, June 5, 2009

The job hunt is over...For now...

Had an interview at Canadian Tire today, and got the job immediately. I am starting work next Tuesday. I will be working in the warehouse (same store as Dad).

So the financial woes are soon to be alleviated.

Thank God.

That being said I am not closing the door on any writing opportunities. I will continue to keep my eyes & ears open.

Take that, Capital One jerks!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Nothing new to report

Just as the title says,no new news to pass along. The job hunt continues, frustrating and fruitless. The workouts continue, and are more rewarding than the job hunt. Also working away on several projects, including the aforementioned Barge story.

Other than that, its status quo.

Friday, May 22, 2009

New story idea, from an old Glenn Myrick/Geoff Noseworthy comedy idea

I was talking to my friend Karen the other day, and I happened to mention 'the barge' to her. Some of you may know about the barge, while a large number of you may not.

Basically, the barge is floating in the North Atlantic, and is a place where we (me, Glenn, Dave, Trevor et al) send jerks, idiots, morons and other undesirables.

Not just local undesirables either. We put celebrity jerks on the barge too. I think Dion Sanders was the first to go.

Anyways, in talking to Karen, and explaining the concept of the barge, she suggested that the whole idea would make a good sci-fi story. So, to that end, I am going to try my hand at writing something revolving around the barge.

Let me know what you think. Suggestions and comments welcome and appreciated.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Just a quick note...

Hello Noseworthys and other loyal readers. I do want to apologize for not being a good blogger lately. I was without internet access for a while, and have been trying to keep my internet use of late for job searching only. I don't want to get into too much of a routine of time suckage.

I'm glad you're still posting stuff, Geoff. Thanks for sharing your poems. I've got a few ideas about stories I'd like to write, so hopefully, you'll see those soon.

I hope all is well with everyone.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Poetry? Part 10

I Am Nothing

I am nothing
I am defined by my job
I have no job
No work at all
I sit at home
While others go to work each day

I am nothing
I am defined by the money I make
I make no money
No money at all
My bank account is empty
While others get a check each week

I am nothing
I am defined by my marital status
I have no significant other
No one at all
My life is lonely
While others go home to someone special

I am nothing
I am defined by my intelligence
I had average marks
Mostly B’s
My record is also average
While others scored higher than me

I am nothing
I am defined by my tastes in life’s pleasures
I like unique things
Strange music, classic movies
While others enjoy what is popular

I am nothing
I am defined by my appearance
I am short, fat, and bald
Not popular, not good looking
While others get the attention

I am nothing
I have no special talents
I am no better than anyone
The world goes on
People who don’t deserve it succeed
While I struggle with myself
Never to be found?

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Poetry? Part Nine


All a dream
Can’t scream
Try to run
Dream has begun

Trying to fight you off
Hoping to break away
I can’t let go
Don’t you know?
I’m terrified

I see
You in front of me
A flash
And a crash

Trying to fight you off
Hoping to break away
I can’t let go
Don’t you know?
I’m terrified

Nowhere to turn
Feel a burn
Can‘t bear
Only despair

Trying to fight you off
Hoping to break away
I can’t let go
Don’t you know?
I’m terrified

Only pain
You’re insane
Shut my eyes
I realize

Trying to fight you off
Hoping to break away
I can’t let go
Don’t you know?
I’m terrified

See a light
End the fight
Slowly slips away
Don’t know what to say

Trying to fight you off
Hoping to break away
I can’t let go
Don’t you know?
I’m terrified

No mistake
Look around
Solid ground

Succeeded in fighting you off
Managed to break away
I can let go
Don’t you know?
I’ve overcome

Friday, May 8, 2009

No title?

That last poem was written in about 10 minutes.I'm not saying that to brag, by any means. But I felt inspired, and that was the result.

I am a very sporadic writer. I can go for days and days, and not write anything. Then in 10 minutes I can write 500 words. Some may wonder how in the world I ever get anything done, but it somehow seems to work for me.

Some of the poetry does contain dark images. Some of the images do really reflect the way I feel. But in no way do I feel as down as it might seem. Sure, I am going through a rough stretch right now, with only my workout routine being the real bright light (I have lost 30 pounds in six months, and I am saying that to brag). But I don't quite feel as down as some of my writing might make it seem.

Back to the way I write.

I wrote an essay on this exact subject for my creative non-fiction class as part of my diploma program. Sort of a journal of the process of me writing the essay, which itself was a chronicle of how I wrote it (and other pieces in general).

The essay was very well received by my classmates (who were a tough group of critics, I have to say). But my professor wasn't so tied to it. He was at first, but the more he read it, the more he felt like it was lazy writing. He also said it's the type of story you get away with once and only once.

I loved writing it. It gave me a chance to be funny (which a lot of people tell me I am good at), and it really captured the lack of style that I guess is my style.

Maybe I will have to post it here for everyone to read.

Poetry? Part Eight


I can see you
Not caring
Looking at me
What is it that you see?
Is it someone else?
Is it someone you hate?
Can you relate?

Turning it over in my mind
It’s not clear what I will find
I think I’m losing my grip
I feel like I’m about to flip
As you stare right through me

I’m on the edge
I’m losing control
It’s near the end for me
I want to give in
It’s time to stop
What do you see?
Is it someone you can be?
Is it someone like me?

Turning it over in my mind
It’s not clear what I will find
I think I’m losing my grip
I feel like I’m about to flip
As you stare right through me

I forget who I am
Don’t know where to begin
Think I lost my head
Know I can’t go back again
To the place where you are
Do you like the new me?
Will you spend time with me?
Or am I doomed to futility?

Turning it over in my mind
It’s not clear what I will find
I think I’m losing my grip
I feel like I’m about to flip
As you stare right through me

All I see is empty
All I feel is nothing
All I think is blank
All I hope is dead
Is this the way it’s supposed to be?
Or is there more on the way?
Will you guide me to the light?

Turning it over in my mind
It’s not clear what I will find
I think I’m losing my grip
I feel like I’m about to flip
As you stare right through me

Going over in my head
All the things that I did
Taking time to fix mistakes
That were caused by my neglect
Yet I have no regret
Will I make the right choice?
Can I find the right voice?
Will I take the right path?

Turning it over in my mind
It’s not clear what I will find
I think I’m losing my grip
I feel like I’m about to flip
As you stare right through me

Am I right?
Am I sane?
Can I win?

Turning it over in my mind
It’s not clear what I will find
I think I’m losing my grip
I feel like I’m about to flip
As you stare right through me

Adding to the problems we all have
No way to worry about them all
Can’t help feeling weary
Knowing that it’s too much
Did I do the wrong thing?
Where is the help from above?
Is this the only way?

Turning it over in my mind
It’s not clear what I will find
I think I’m losing my grip
I feel like I’m about to flip
As you stare right through me

Turning it over in my mind
It’s not clear what I will find
I think I’m losing my grip
I feel like I’m about to flip
As you stare right through me
Stare right through me.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Positive, but not as positive as I'd hoped

This is the positive.

I wrote the script, the video was done by TA Loeffler. The audio is now running on the radio here.

Other than that, just some feedback on a project I was working on. Nothing new to report, unfortunately.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Turning the corner?

I have a meeting tomorrow with Water Werks, so it looks like I might be getting back to work soon.

Asking that everyone keep their fingers crossed that this turns into something positive, and hopefully something long-term.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Workin' 9 to 5, what a way to.....What do you mean laid off????

So, as some of you already know, I was laid off on Wednesday. It was a surprise and not a surprise all at the same time. I don't know if I believe in fate or not, but the universe seemed to be giving me signs that it was going to happen.

It does royally suck, as employment is a good thing. Being able to pay bills is a very good thing. Having a pint with the friends every now and again is also a good thing. The prospect of not being able to do any of these is not an appealing one.

I don't think I've been without a job since I was 15 years old. That's more than half my life. Even when I was in school, I had a job, or two, or three. It feels weird to not have a job to go to on Monday. I think that's when it will really hit me.

I was pretty vocal all along about not being totally in love with being a Distribution and VAR Specialist. It was a lot of answering the phone and answering emails, which I think I've had quite enough of. But, Corel is a fun place to work. There are a lot of fantastic people around who made getting up and going to work an enjoyable experience. I will miss that, for sure.

Anyway, I've been doing a lot of soul-searching lately, and have been thinking of making a big change in my life, so this may actually turn out to be the best thing for me. It might just be the kick in the arse that I needed. I now have to make a big decision; to move home or not to move home? I think I'd been putting off making that decision, because it means a lot of work on my part. But now, I've got a lot of heavy lifting ahead of me, and I just have to do it. I'm just thankful I have some severance pay to make it all a little easier!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Poetry? Part Seven

A love song

Of the things you say
Of each new day
I’m scared
Of what I may do
I’m uncertain
Of what to say to you

I want to love you
I want to be with you
But the fear is too strong
I’ve been hurt for too long
I know you’re confused
I know you’re hurt

But I will always love you

Sitting by myself
By your picture on the shelf
I want to call you
I want to hear your voice
I know that I can’t
I’ve already made my choice

I want to love you
I want to be with you
But the fear is too strong
I’ve been hurt for too long
I know you’re confused
I know you’re hurt

But I will always love you

That you will forget
By the feelings that I get
I think about you now
My heart is filled with love
What can I do?
What will you say?

I want to love you
I want to be with you
But the fear is too strong
I’ve been hurt for too long
I know you’re confused
I know you’re hurt

But I will always love you

Only time can tell
How we will end up
Maybe we can be together
Right now I can’t take it
I know you are angry
But no matter what

I will always love you

Poetry? Part Six


The sun is shining
The sky is blue
The air smells fresh

The lights are off
The walls are gray
The air smells damp

The lights are on
The walls are blue
The air smells fresh

The sun is hiding
The sky is gray
The air smells damp

Shake off the sorrow
Welcome the smiles
A time to start over
A time to forget

Until winter comes again

Friday, April 24, 2009

A Bull Story

I promise I wont turn this into one of those annoying blogs that just posts videos from YouTube and says how cool everything is, but here is the most popular YouTube video in Ireland. It's not bull, this is from the main evening news program on RTE the state broadcaster. I think with all the recession stories the country needed a laugh.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

All I Have To Do Is Dream

I always used to be so envious of those people who remembered their dreams. I mean, it isn’t as though I didn’t sleep enough to have dreams! Everyone who knows me knows I’m quite a fan of the late-morning lie-in. I just never had those dreams where I would wake up and think, “Hmm. A unicorn flew down from heaven and gave me a jelly donut. What does that mean?”

If I did remember my dreams, they would be quite literal. If I had an exam, the night before I would dream that I missed it, went to the wrong room, studied the wrong subject, or something similar. I would dream about work, or watching tv or something like that. I actually have had dreams where I was sitting at my work desk, my phone rang, and I answered it. A customer would ask me for a serial number, I would give it to him, and that would be it. Imaginative, no?

I had friends with dream diaries and dream books so they could decipher what the various strange details of their nighttime reveries meant. Who was the strange man in the corner? Why did they go through the red door? It all had some hidden meaning. Me? I got customer calls. I don’t think the dream book had much to say about that.

Lately, though, I have been having strange dreams. I don’t always remember them, but details do stick out in my mind. I had one dream recently, where 5 numbers kept flashing in front of my eyes. I don’t know what they meant in the dream I was having, but you’d better believe I played the lotto that week. Needless to say, I didn’t win anything, but it certainly was worth a shot. My theory on that is that 6-49 and Super 7 requires you to choose 6 and 7 numbers respectively, so after playing my 5 supposedly prophetic numbers, I would have to play other numbers at random. Which ones do I pick? It’s a bit of a conundrum.

Last week, I had a dream about a web site I created. Yes, I know, yet another exciting and obscure dream. I dreamt that I created a web site where people would submit their writing to me, whether it be poems, short stories, general musings, and I would post them. I would contact publishers or the publishers would contact me and we would work to get them published. I saw the website in such fine detail, it was weird. I had such a great feeling about what it represented and what I was doing. Since I have been thinking about doing something like this in real life, there’s no surprise I dreamt about it.

I’ve been wondering a lot lately about how it would be to work in Publishing. It would satisfy my crazy, Grammar Nazi ways as well as nourishing the writer in me. I would love to be a part of making someone’s dreams of becoming a published writer come true. So, you’re saying to yourself, get off your arse and apply for some publishing jobs, Stupid! Well, sure, that only makes sense, but I do lack certain necessary qualifications for said publishing jobs, like an English degree, or any experience in the industry. I don’t see my in-depth knowledge of Corel product part numbers as helpful to me in this endeavour.

So, I’ve been thinking about turning our humble blog into some sort of hub for my writer/photog/artist/musician friends. I would love for it to become more. I don’t know what the ‘more’ means yet, but I would love it to be something akin to my dream, where we could turn our writing into actual published work. There are many details to consider and work out, but I think it’s worth a try. A few of us Noseworthys have written blog posts about the lack of creative jobs and having to consider ‘regular’ jobs and be a writer on the side. Well, we could also take matters into our own hands and make something happen. No one’s going to come knocking on our door unless we put ourselves out there.

Soon, I’ll be emailing friends and acquaintances who would have something to offer our little blog, and hopefully, we can begin to post their work here too. I’ll get the siblings to do the same, and maybe we can start our own little community of creative people. It seemed to work in my dream! Hopefully I can make this one dream come true.

I also have this recurring dream where a very close friend of mine shoots me in the head. What do you think that means? Look that one up in your dream books!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Casting for Pods

This week, Paul and I discuss the weird phenomenon that is Susan Boyle, what can or can't be considered 'art', condoms, and we share our Top 5 Guilty Pleasures. Check us out!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Cuffer Prize

Just putting this out there for anyone interested:

The Telegram is once again having a writing contest, The Cuffer Prize.

I won't waste space giving more details, as everything you would need to know is available on the web page.

These are the prize winners from last year's contest:

3rd place

2nd place

1st place

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Coming Home

A very big decision, no question about it.

And I can see why you and Sandi want to come home.

But, as you well know, I am still out of work. It will soon be a year without a job. The economy is suffering world-wide right now. And Newfoundland has always been a funny job market. There is lots of work, but it's lower-end jobs that none of us want to be doing. We are all over-qualified for a lot of the jobs, and in some cases, under-qualified. The good thing about being where you both are is that with more people comes more opportunity. Coming home, that is going to change drastically.

I'm feeling the opposite of what you are both feeling. If something doesn't change soon, I am going to have to leave. There are very few writing jobs here. At least if I go abroad (AKA outside NL), there will be more jobs.

I don't want to go. I really don't. My roots are here. My friends are here. And most of my family are here. But no money and no opportunity equals having to take drastic action.

Having said that, things always seem to come around. I'm sure if I stay here they will eventually. But how long can I continue to do that?

Saturday, April 18, 2009

A Big Decision Part 2

In the midst of making the decision to go home, I've thought about the strange irony of the whole thing. In many ways, I have more opportunity, and can have a better life, right where I am now, rather than in Canada. Studying and teaching English is a huge business; its pretty much a necessity for most people in the world to know English. Thus, jobs are plentiful, and not ridiculously hard to find. Most jobs require a university degree in any discipline. For some of the higher end jobs, you do need experience and/or ESL teaching credentials, but I have these.

Consider what I would have to do to teach in NL. First, complete my "honors" BA. Second, complete my B.Ed. Third, probably complete a M.Ed. Fourth, get on the "substitute list". Fifth, hope something long term comes along. Worth it? I'm not sure.

I could "parlay" my business/accounting education into a job, but here again, what would it be? Probably a junior accounting clerk (in other words, data-entry). Worth it? Not sure.

I'm not saying there's anything wrong with these jobs/career paths, but I just don't know how willing I am to do these things.

Consider the cost of living. I admit that some foreign teaching jobs "spoil" people, in a way, so that a lot of the things necessary for life back home aren't necessary here. Can you believe I've never owned a car in my life? Probably the average person my age would have owned at least 3-4 cars by now, if not more. Owning a car here, however, would be ridiculously unnecessary, and I've never missed having one. Most schools, too, will pay for the need to buy/rent a house is removed.

I'm not saying these things to brag...just to show how woefully unprepared I am for living in my own country. Somehow, I don't think a lot of people will be impressed with the fact that I was teaching English abroad for the past 8 years.

A Big Decision

Well, I've made the decision to go back home and see what I can make of myself. As I mentioned before, I was laid off in January (a jarring event even if I disliked the job at heart), and since then, haven't been able to decide what to do. We've had constant discussions about what we should do, and finally we decided that I would go home first, try to find a job/settle down etc, and then she can follow when things are "normal".

If this sounds strange, its because a Chinese citizen needs a visa to get into Canada, and to get this, she needs a sponsor (i.e. someone who will "be responsible" for her, money wise, when she comes to Canada). If I want to be the sponsor, it would be better if I was settled down, had a job, etc, rather than just doing it with no guarantee of the future.

Herein lies the difficulty. Visa processing can take anywhere up to 6 months, so separation is inevitable. We just don't see any other better way, however...if we're going to establish ourselves back home, it needs to be secure. We debated various options, but this one seems to be the best. Actually, I don't know if anything is "the best"; I just do what I have to do.

For me, its not a simple matter of just moving back home, either. I've lived abroad for about 8 years now, and am a visitor to my own country. I don't have any health coverage (free, that is) or any job/purchasing history in Canada going back 8 years. All of this will have to be re-established.

Living abroad was my choice, and I'm not in any way dissatisfied with it. I got married abroad. Thanks to the low cost of living, I was able to travel to interesting places I would never have dreamed of going, to eliminate all of my debt (except for some minor credit card bills), and to buy a house (which isn't even finished yet, but that's another story). Being out of the country has been very good to me, you might say.

Therein lies the other difficulty. What if I come home and am a "failure" (whatever that might be)? What if I can't establish myself? What if I have to "slink off with my tail between my legs" back to Asia? The self-doubting questions go on and on.

This has been an incredibly difficult decision for me to make. If I was single, I wouldn't care so much, but I have to take another into account in this. I have to constantly remind myself that nothing, no matter how bad it seems, is the end of the world, and that, sometimes, a little hardship is necessary before good things can happen.

If you're among those who pray, slip in a little intercession for us and this decision.

(BTW, I didn't reveal my wife's name not because I'm being rude, but to keep it from "online"...anyone who matters knows it anyway).

Friday, April 17, 2009

Cape Spear

I got a new laptop recently and it has led me to go through all my old photos again and salvage ones that I didn't pay much attention to previously. Here is one of Cape Spear from my first trip to The Rock. We must visit there again in the summer, though Lauren wants to show me Bonavista and other parts of the island that I haven't seen yet. Any suggestions for other scenic places to visit?

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Sometimes after a three day weekend when you return to work you need coffee more than on any other work day. Last weekend I found the nicest cup of coffee in Dublin, from a stall in a farmers food market. It's probably a long way from Canada to Dublin on a Monday morning for a cup of coffee, but if you like your caffeine then you'll do what it takes to get your hit :-)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Poetry? Part Five

Another poem. Not getting many comments on them; I would really like to get feedback on these, as I may send some of them to get published.

I borrowed the sun for my project

I borrowed the sun for my project.
It was early in the morning.
He was free for a few hours.
He had already shone down on the masses.
He could spare me a few hours.
The sun tried to cram himself in my house.
But he couldn’t.
Not completely.
His rays shot out of the windows.
The doors.
Every crack and crevice in my house was alight.
I told him not to worry.
I only needed him for a few hours.
So he agreed.
We worked all day on my project.
It was tiring.
But the sun never faltered.
His rays shone as bright as they ever had.
Suddenly, it was late.
I knew it was well past the sun’s bedtime.
He usually went to sleep around 8pm.
Now it was almost 9.
He left in a hurry.
Rays bouncing everywhere.
Light reflecting off of the mirror in the hall.
The heat he bore quickly slipping into the cool of the evening.
He left without saying goodbye.
The next day I went looking for the sun.
He was no where to be seen.
The day was blanketed in gray.
The sky was one large sheet of gloom.
The horizon was sad.
I sat alone, staring through the window of my house.
No sun.
My project was stalled.
It stayed that way for three whole days.
The sun never came out.
The gray sky sat firm while the sun took a break.
My project withered slightly.
But it did not break.
I sat in the same spot.
Waiting for the sun.
I watched the gray sky.
I followed the gray people.
I looked with pity at the blooming gray flowers.
I looked with sorrow at the swaying gray trees.
Three whole days passed.
No sun.
Lots of gray.
More gloom and melancholy.
Then early on the fourth day, the sun came.
He appeared slowly over the horizon.
His rays peering slowly across my front yard.
The slate of gray that was the sky was gone.
The gray flowers were a burst of yellow, red and pink.
The green of the trees swayed slightly in the early morning breeze.
I smiled.
I wanted to ask the sun about resuming my project.
My project had sat dormant for three whole days.
I needed the sun’s help in finishing it.
But as I gazed up at his ever-growing brilliance, I knew.
I knew that I had no need to ask him for his help.
The sun was already helping me.
His return that morning was a sign.
I could borrow the sun for my project whenever I wanted.

Lucky Number Seven

It's Sandi&Paulcast #7! There's a little bit of adult content this time, so cover your ears, Mom! We're also introducing a new regular feature, and we need some feedback and some help for future casts, so let us know what you think.

Friday, April 10, 2009

My Skills in Fotawgrafee

Here's a pic snapped this afternoon of the trees in "our" courtyard, located in the breathtakingly beautiful garden city of Beijing.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A link to make you think

An interesting link for anyone looking for places to submit some writing.

I scrolled down through the list, some worthwhile stuff there. Worth checking out if you have something you want to get out there.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Poetry? Part Four

Another poem.


Being alone for so many years,
Life has gone a certain way.
Hard to hide the mounting fears,
Difficult to know what to say.

Easy to be happy in some cases,
Easier to be sad for the rest.
Most people think that he fits in best
When he shows those happy faces.

Feeling like no one understands,
Thinking that no one can see my side,
Crushed by the need to meet the demands,
Losing my dignity and my pride.

Sitting in the dim light, always thinking.
Dreaming of the things that will happen some day.
Need some guidance to show me the way.
To keep my life from slowly sinking.

Ignore the bad and focus on the good.
Don’t think of things in a negative light.
I know its right, I know I should.
Instead I make each decision a fight.

Lost in a maze that never ends.
Mind clouded with things I want to say.
Time to turn inward, time to pray,
And lean on the support of my close friends.

Breaking away from dark words,
Looking at things in a more positive light.
Gazing upwards at the soaring birds,
Amazed at their effortless flight.

Looking back at how far I’ve come,
Where I was is far from where I am.
With anger it’s easier to damn,
I know I’ve angered some.

Time to turn things around,
And start to take control.
There are plenty of chances abound,
To help make my life whole.

No more holding things at bay,
No sense to wait.
Mark down the date,
I begin my new life today.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

A Geoff/Glenn/Kevin Podcast?

Yes we are copying. We freely admit it. We stole the idea from Sandi & Paul.

Myself, Glenn Myrick and Kevin Layman have our own podcast.

We did our first episode yesterday.

Visit the link (click "A Geoff/Glenn/Kevin Podcast?"),have a listen and leave a comment.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Check out our new podcast. Paul and I discuss anniversaries, high school crushes and broken hearts, and our hatred of Nickelback. It's a real insight into the Sandi and Paul universe. It's really not as scary as that sounds.

Poetry? Part Three

Another poem I am experimenting with.

Moving Forward

Into an unknown space
Not knowing where I’m going
Not knowing the pace
Taking careful steps
My feet touch ground with care
Eyes dart left to right, and up and down
Until I’m more aware

Up a steep hill
I can see where I am going
Just can’t seem to get there
Taking careful steps
My feet pound the ground with force
Eyes focus on what’s straight ahead
Because I’m more aware

Along an even plane
No clue where I am going
There is no rhythm to my pace
Taking careless steps
My feet drag along the road
Eyes empty and full of dreams
I don’t know where to go

Along a darkened path
Can’t tell where I am headed
My legs shake with fear
My hands touch the ground carefully
Eyes see only black
I can’t go anywhere

At the place that I belong
My mind is wide open
I can see where I went wrong
Feet planted firmly on the ground
Head held high
I know I’ve made the right choices
I’ve been moving forward all along

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


For anyone who thought my sideburns were too long, what about this guy?

Monday, March 30, 2009

Poetry? Part Two

Another angry poem. Sorry for the negativity. There will be some positive poems and stories coming soon!

Blood boiling white hot.
Mouth curling at the corners like well-worn paper.
Fists clenched in rage.
The danger is obvious.
The risk is evident.
The desire to hurtle headlong into him is overwhelming.
I despise him.
How can I hate him?
What did he ever do to me?
Yet we are all in a hurry.
Rushing around in constant motion.
A race.
To get ahead.
To be first.
To get somewhere.
But really to go nowhere.
No one more important than the other.
Yet we take no heed of others each day.
For the sake of being first.
And to win.
The race to the next light.
Anger subsiding.
Rage disappearing.
Fists unclench.
Mouth uncurls.
Can’t smile.
Can’t be angry.
Yet feeling calm.
Knowing that his fate is out of my hands.
My anger is misplaced.
My ego is my own to control.
I am at peace.
Until next time.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


With an English degree you'd think I'd have studied more poetry. Alas I only experienced a little, mostly prof's throwing in some poetry with the short stories or novels we were studying.

So, keep that in mind when you are reading this.

And please be honest and critical in your comments. It was a fun experience to write this. I have a few more done as well, and will be sharing them here at some point.


A dark empty feeling.
Alone. Surrounded by nothing.
A positive voice. An encouraging word. A smile.
The happiness is non-existent.
The hope is fading.
The dream is dying.
Reality sets in like the setting of the late March sun.

A mind-numbing feeling.
Alone. Surrounded by nothing.
A surly voice. A sour word. A frown.
The happiness is gone.
The hope has faded.
The dream is dead.
Reality has set in like setting of the late March sun.

A warm, fuzzy feeling?
Together? Surrounded by something?
A happy voice? A loving word? A kiss?
Is this the happiness?
Is this the hope?
Is this the dream?
Will reality set in like the setting of the late March sun?

Going to what is familiar.
Listening to what is comfortable.
No help.
Talking to close friends.
No help.
Avoiding those who seek what I don’t have.
Wishing it would stop.
Hoping it will change.
Looking to make things right.
For the setting of the late March sun.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Lucifer with Beard

Not sure if this is the beard photo you are talking about Bob, but thought it was a nice addition to the other photos! I'm guessing that toy is long gone now eh?!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Behold the wrath of Lucifer!!!

I have always secretly hated people who would talk to their pets as if they were babies. I hated people who dressed their dogs up in sweaters, jackets, booties and other 'people' clothes. I especially hated when people would refer to themselves as "Mommy" or "Daddy" when talking to their dogs.

Well, I have become (almost) everything I hate. I do talk to my dog sometimes as if she's a kid, although, she was barking at the park yesterday, and I said, "Dude! Keep it down!" So, it's not always baby-talk, I guess. I do call myself "Mommy" as well. I have resisted the whole 'dressing up' thing, though, with one or two exceptions.

That huge disclaimer of sorts was to let you all know that Lucy Noseworthy has turned 5! She's 5 years old! Her birthday was March 19th. We celebrated with a jaunt to Petsmart, where she got a manicure, pedicure, and a nice crunchy bone. She was not pleased about the whole mani/pedi thing.

But here's a pic or two of my girl. She really is a good friend to her "Mommy."

Mom, don't listen to this one....

Ok, so I am not being held responsible for the topics discussed in this week's podcast. It gets a little out of hand. That's what happens when there's beer, mojitos and wine about. We talk about everything from Sesame Street to swearing to dog sex. Again, I wish I was joking.

Thanks to everyone who made some comments on our efforts so far. Take a listen when you have the time.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Choosing a president

This is an article I wrote to The Telegram, hoping to join the Community Editorial Board.

There are no garish campaign signs obstructing the small patches of grass at intersections. The general public doesn’t get to vote. We aren’t forced to bear with unfulfilled promises. This is not about which party to choose. Nor is it about political loyalty.

It’s the search for a new president (academic) for Memorial University.

The search has gone from big news (thanks to Education Minister Joan Burke), to practically no news, (Memorial’s own Alumni Association has opted not to comment on the matter.)

To many this is not important news. The hormone receptor test problem is a much larger and more worrying issue. The country is gearing up for a fall federal election. It’s understandable that most people’s minds are on other matters.
But a recent newsworthy event in our province may play a large role in the stalled presidential search. For those connected to Memorial, it is an event that could have implications on exactly who lands the job.

On August 22 Premier Danny Williams announced that the Hebron oil field will be developed. After years of uncertainty, Newfoundlanders are finally able to talk feel confident about the revenue that this will bring to Newfoundland.
Hopefully it will bring expatriate Newfoundlanders home from Alberta.

It will bring hope and financial stability.

But what it shouldn’t bring is a new president of Memorial. At least not one who is in some way connected to Hebron and is only given the job for political reasons.
The president of Memorial has to be someone who has the best interests of the entire university at heart. Someone who maintains Memorial’s solid reputation as the place for Newfoundlanders to get their post-secondary education. Someone who will attract new students from all over the world. The new president of Memorial needs to draw more attention to the benefits of the Arts Faculty, to allow all of its students to have the best equipment, the best instructors and educators, and the most up-to-date and relevant information.

To achieve these goals Memorial needs money, which means Memorial needs the provincial government.

But if the government wants to become involved in the search for a new president, it’s essential they don’t take control of the process. Allow Memorial to maintain its autonomy. Allow the university to choose the best person for the job.

Not someone who is put there because of oil money.

Sorry for the F**KING rant

I do apologize for venting about my job & money problems. I am still pretty angry about it all, but this week I am going to dig down & get as many resumes out as I can.

On to better & more important things.

I'm going to post more of my writing starting today. I have a folder full of works in progress, some completed stuff, and some school work. I figure why not share it with everyone.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Did not meet the requirements

So apparently I did not meet the requirements to work at Convergy's. Oh. I am devastated. As much as I need a job, as much as I need to start bringing in money, I am SO F***ING GLAD that I did not get hired.

That's not to say I am not mystified as to how I did not meet the requirements.


Not to mention I have worked in a call center before. That little fact seems unimportant to them.

There was some math on the online test. I know I failed that part. I am certain I did because I sat cursing at my computer screen and proceeded to guess the answers.

Did I seal my own fate by doing that?

Yes, most certainly.

Do I care?

F**K NO!

But that still doesn't solve my money woes.

It's looking more and more like I will go back to school.

Or, if anyone wants to start contributing to the "Geoff R. Noseworthy Get Me The F**K Out Of Here" Fund, let me know, and I can tell you how to send in your donations.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

"Bad Dates"

I've put "Bad Dates" in quotes because it reminds me of Raiders of the Lost Ark where Indy is about to eat a date but Sallah catches it, saying, "Bad dates." And there's my nerd moment for the night.

If you've read any of my previous posts, you may have noted that I'm a single gal. Sometimes I don't mind being a solitary soul. I can stretch out in bed and sleep (being 5 feet tall, that's really important), I can burp out loud (really loud sometimes), and I can take epic long showers without worrying about saving the water for someone else. The rest of the time, though, it does get a little lonely.

To that end, I've been sort of actively dating. Ugh. I even hate the word 'dating', but it's a necessary evil. Well, I HAD been actively dating. I haven't really been pursuing the whole 'date' thing, and well, to be honest, no one's knocking my door down, so it's been a while.

I swear, I don't mean these posts to sound so darn pitiful!!

So, you're probably thinking that if I get back on the proverbial dating horse and get myself out there, I'll have no problem getting dates. Sometimes, this is true. I do get asked out from time to time. To be honest, I've been a little soured on the whole thing due to some less-than-stellar dates in the past little while. I thought I'd tell you about a couple here not as a 'poor Sandi' kind of thing, but as a cautionary tale to those thinking of casting their line into the dating pond. Wow. I'm full of folksy metaphors tonight.

Let's examine the case I actually can't remember his name. Let's just call him Pablo. He seemed like a nice enough guy, so I put myself in "What the hell, you never know what may happen" mode. We decided to meet at a Starbucks. The Bells Corners Starbucks, actually, scene of many a Sandi and Paul excursion. I got there first, which I hate, but what the heck. I ordered a tea, and sat and waited. I saw him walking towards the door, so I stood up. He walked towards me, smiling, and he said, "Sheri!" really loudly. I stopped dead in my tracks. "Um, no, Sandi." I replied, eliciting a big smile from the lady waiting in line for her drink. We were off to a great start! He apologized, and I went to sit down while he got his coffee. He got to the table, sat down, and just looked at me expectantly. "'s your day been?" I asked. I guess the 'conversation' part of the date was up to me. He answered, and then he sat there, looking at me. "Um, so......" This went on for at least 15 minutes. I thought of every bloody question I could!

At one point, he leaned back in his chair, and as he did, his hand brushed his Extra Large coffee, and it spilled all, of course. The bottom quarter of my pants were soaked, as well as my shoes. My SHOES!! More apologizing. We cleaned things up, and he sat back down, looking at me. Good Lord, man! Talk about something!!! It was infuriating!

He excused himself to go to the bathroom, and while he was gone, I thought, "Thank God. We're finished our drinks, I can bow out of this with some dignity intact." He returned, clapped his hands together, and said, enthusiastically, "Well, where should we go next?" I was stunned. He thought this was going well! I made some excuse about having to get home, and I walk-ran to my car and got the heck out of Dodge.

Next, let's talk about Wii Man. No, he was not a 'little person' from that Jackass show, he was a grown man who talked my ear off about his Nintendo gaming system. He mentioned that he was a gamer before we met, but I've dated guys into video games before, and it was not all they were into, so I thought it was okay. We got to Starbucks (a different one this time) and got our beverages and sat down. He started the conversation, which seemed great at the time, but which I regretted soon after he started talking. He asked, "Have you ever played the Nintendo Wii?" I answered, "No, I haven't." Now, a normal person would probably take that as a cue to either talk about something else, or mention a few things about the Wii before finding some common ground to discuss. Not this fellow, my friends. He went on, and on, and on about the Wii and how awesome it was, as if he was employed by Nintendo and needed to recruit customers. The best line was, "My Mom can play this game, so you certainly should be able to." His Mom. He went there. After 45 minutes of Wii talk, I had to get out. He was pleasant and everything, but who on earth could stand all of that Wii talk??

Now, don't get me wrong, I have had some good dates in all of this, but the disasters seem to outweigh the gems at the moment. It really doesn't make a girl want to rush right out and do it again. So, the dating is waiting until I'm really wowed by someone, or until Gerard Butler calls. One or the other.

Anyone else have any dating disaster stories to share? I am glad I have bad date stories to share, but I think it would make me feel a little less pathetic if there was someone else out there who has suffered or is suffering through it too.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St.Patricks Day...NOT Shamrock Day! :-)

Here are a few pictures from today's parade!

Shamrock Day?????

I was lying in bed this morning, listening to the radio while I willed myself to get up. They have this segment on my radio station of choice, LIVE 88.5 called "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly." Each of the hosts relays a story, either good, bad, get the idea. The 'ugly' story this morning was about St. Patrick's Day. Apparently, there's been a bit of a movement to call it "Shamrock Day" rather than St. Patrick's Day so as not to offend anyone who does not believe in saints, or Catholicism, I guess. Shamrock Day. I'll let that sink in for a moment.

Now, I'm all for being politically correct and trying not to offend people. When you live in a conservative town like Ottawa, you really do have to watch your ps and qs sometimes. Having said that, What. The. Frak. Are non-Catholics/Christians really that upset that some people celebrate the feast day of St. Patrick? Is the sight of green cards in the card shop really that offensive? It's not even a statutory holiday outside of Ireland and Newfoundland, as far as I can tell (I'm sure I'm wrong, but you get the point). Here in Ontario, it's a day like any other, and I'm at work. I just happen to be wearing a green sweater. No one is forcing anyone to drink green beer or sing "Danny Boy."

The bottom line is that days like today, and Christmas and Easter, are so widely celebrated because they are part of the belief system that our countries, as we know them today, are built on. The English, Irish, French, Spanish were the ones that came over and colonized our countries, and brought the religion and culture of the countries they left with them. They have been celebrated for decades, even hundreds of years in some cases. Imagine a large group of Irish-Canadians uprooted themselves and settled in Lebanon or China or Ethiopia. Could they all of a sudden demand that no one mention Id or Chinese New Year or Kwanzaa? Would they have to change the names of their holidays and celebrations? Would Chinese New Year simply be called New Year so as not to offend the non-Chinese people living in China? It would never happen, and you'd be laughed out of the country for even suggesting it.

So why do we North Americans of European descent buckle under when pressured to avoid saying the "C" word when December 25th rolls around? Do I really have to say, "Happy Holidays!" to people instead of "Merry Christmas?" If a Jewish person wished me a "Happy Hanukkah", I wouldn't demand they apologize. We should all become more aware of the diverse cultures and religions that make up our communities, but sometimes it seems to me that I'm expected to open my mind and learn about other people's cultures, but they aren't always expected to learn the existing cultures. That might sound small-minded, but it's just this girl's opinion.

I'm off to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. I think there's a green beer somewhere with my name on it.

Applying myself

Well I have to say I'm sad that it's come to this, but I applied to some retail & call center jobs yesterday and today. Enterprise Rent-A-Car. Rona (Chester Dawe). Convergy's.

I have pretty much hit rock bottom.

I am not at all happy with this. It feels like giving up on any chance to have a career in writing. It feels like taking a massive step back after taking such a massive step forward. The demand for money made me go in this direction. No money coming in, and an increasing urgency for money going out. I might not have the expenses everyone else has, but it's all relative. And remember, while some of you might have more expenses, you are working and earning some kind of pay check, or are in a situation where you have someone else to support you. (Yes, I have Mom and Dad at the moment, and they have helped a lot. But they're not going to help forever.)

Feeling pretty low about all of this. Don't really know what else to do.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Yes I'm Still Here!

Just in case anyone was wondering I am intending to post something soon. The St. Patrick's Day Parade is coming up on Tuesday and I intend this year to go along with the masses of taller then me loud pushy parents and children to take pictures. I will post some up as soon as I get some. That's if I can see over the railings!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Who Watches The Watchmen?

A podcast, you say? What a fabulous idea. What? You talk about that awesome new movie, Watchmen? Fantastic! Witty banter? Awesomesauce. Birthdays? Wicked. Obscure 80s teen actors? Wow. You guys are just the living end. Where can I check out this wondrous podcast? I'm so there.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

RPM Jukebox is up!

Hey music fans!

The RPM Jukebox is back online. There is a lot of great music worth listening to and it's all free. It's quite amazing what ordinary people can accomplish musically when unbound by fame, reputation, money, executives and their demographic filtering, and the general indifference of top 40 craptaculance. For those of you unable to download our music you can stream it directly from the jukebox here.

While you're there, check out this album by the very talented Michael Kirby, a work friend of mine who has helped us a lot in making our album.

Have fun!

P.S. For those looking for our lyrics, I put them in a comment to Geoff's album review.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Vitamin N - Moments: A review (by a professional writer)

Listening to your work as I type, Allyson & Terry.

Track 1 - Etched: Love the percussion. Like the guitar as well, especially that riff that comes after the chorus.

Track 2 - Star: Great job on the vocals Terry.

Track 3 - Goodbye: I'm reminded of Blue Rodeo, which is not a bad thing at all. Vocals, music all solid.

Track 4 - Begin: A short, yet fun song. Would like to have the lyrics to this (and all) song(s).

Track 5 - Ceased: My favorite song on the album. Love the guitar.

Track 6 - Improv Smile: Great instrumental. The only two-word track on the album. Where you guys listening to a lot of Collective Soul when you recorded this? (Curious to see if anyone gets what I mean WITHOUT looking up CS's discography!)

Track 7 - Phone: I apologize for not remembering your 3rd contributor's name, but a great job on vocals on this track.

Track 8 - Moments: Finally! We get to hear the youngest Noseworthy sing! Nice job Allyson. Like the guitar at the end a lot too.

Track 9 - Time: I was expecting a cover of the 1973 Pink Floyd classic. Good song, and I like the piano playing a lot. Cool ending too. Maybe a nod to PF after all eh?

Track 10: Time (A Reprise): Another short track, but nice job on piano & vocals.

Overall a fantastic job guys. Well-played and well-written, especially considering the short amount of time you had to do it.

More thoughts on a page

When we last left the riveting details that are my life, I was talking about jobs.

Where am I going with this tail of woe and misery you may ask? Well, how much of it is misery? What do I have to be miserable about? Isn't that fact that I have my health, my family and friends enough?

In a word, no.

When times are tough, someone will always say 'someone out there has it worse than you.'I'm sure that there are millions of people out there who have it a lot worse than I do.

But I have one word to say to that response:


Sure, lots of other people don't have jobs. Are single. In debt. Unhappy with their working situations. I'm not alone in that at all, and never claimed to be.

But all I have to say to that is I don't give a shit about anyone else. My problems are my problems. The only other people's problems I care about are my friends and families. So the fact that there are 'people' out there that have it worse than me doesn't hold much weight with me as an argument for me 'cheering up', or 'looking on the bright side', or some other corny, useless saying. And don't forget, I'm a guy who knows about holding weight.

I know what I have to do. I have to get a job. That will get the creditors off my back. It will end the annoying phone calls. I'll hopefully be able to start saving some money and repairing my credit enough to look at getting a loan so I can finally move out. Start a relationship. Get a car. Be my own man.

But at what cost? Am I supposed to sacrifice that last three years just so I can have these things? Once that happens, will I be happy now that I'm just like everyone else?

No, I won't.

Because I don't want what everyone else wants.

In fact I don't really know what I want. Yet.

But I do know what I don't want.

Right now I don't want to get married. Or have kids. I have yet to travel anywhere. I have yet to live on my own. I don't think I want my first experiences in those areas to be with a wife or a family.

To some that may be surprising, but besides my not taking a job for the sake of taking a job I really feel strongly about this. I'm happy for all of my friends and family who have chosen this route. I'm glad to have gained new family members and friends through this process.

But it's not for me.

And I don't know if it ever will be.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

I do intend on writing Part 2

I will have a follow-up to my previous post, hopefully by tomorrow. It's good for me to get this out, even though most of you (if not all) know the story.

Stay tuned for more ranting & roaring.

Friday, March 6, 2009

The Torture Never Stops

That song title's just for you, Geoff.

There's a brand-new Sandi&PaulCAST on our site! Stroll on by to hear Paul talk about his many neuroses when he's out in public, and my chat about MQP band. It's all gold, I tells ya! The audio is pretty bad, I will admit, as we tried a new set-up, but stick with it. We'll make sure the next one is much better, sound-wise.

Click here for the Sandi&PaulCAST, putting the 'dumb' back in random conversation.

Thoughts on a page (Part 1)

The other day, I got really angry. I was having a crappy day; my computer crapped out, the bank called saying that student loans took a payment, which put my account over the limit, and from there every little thing after that started bothering me.

I was yelling at the washer because the load I had in it was too big. I yelled at the computer because even after a re-install of Windows it still crapped out. I threw a cardboard box.

In short, I flipped out.

While re-installing Windows I took out my notebook and started writing random thoughts. Here they are, with a piece I started working on based on the random thoughts.

proper reaction?
over reaction?
NO regrets
NO money
no one understands
no one wants to hear about it
do people understand?
why is life like this?
who is to blame?
what is the solution?
what do i need to do to make me happy?
do people want to hear about it all?
what do people think?
what do Mom and Dad think?
I don't care what people think
Do I care what people think?
I DO care what Mom and Dad think
Do I go back to what I hate to achieve balance?

I have no regrets in life. None whatsoever. That includes any and all personal choices I've made.

Let's start with relationships. Not such a big deal. I'm only 35. For the last 5 years (at least), I've done nothing at all to be in a relationship. I gave up on it to try and get my education. So the relationships I've had pretty much came before I was 30. A high school romance probably being the most serious. Sure I probably could have been someone who married his high school sweetheart (not saying that it was ever discussed, but had I remained in the relationship, who knows?). But when it's all said and done, relationships end. You move on. None of the relationships I've been in even register on the radar any more. Names aren't important. Numbers aren't important. I've had a few relationships and now I'm single. That's all that really needs to be said about that.

Let's now look at school. I first went to MUN in 1991. When I went there, all my high school, and more importantly my long-term buddies went too. Glenn. Dave. Kevin. Blair. Back then I didn't know what I was doing. I was glad to have my friends there to have lunch with and to study with. But my education was a total disaster. By 1995 I was a university dropout, and my friends were graduated and moving on to other opportunities. There is an interesting question that I think about, and as I said already, I have NO regrets, but I always wonder: what would I be doing this very second, had I graduated back in 1995? I highly doubt that I would be writing, and there is a very good chance I would not even be in St. John's. Fast forward 10 years. In 2006 I finally went back to MUN. And everyone knows the results of that decision.

Jobs. From 1990-2001, I worked at Dominion. While I was in Grade 12, right through to 2001, when I finally had enough of being blamed for other people's shortcomings. A series of equally unsatisfying jobs followed, until I got to Sears. That was the straw that broke the camel's back. Once I left there and went to MUN, the only job I had was working in the lab. A great job; it allowed me to be on campus, to get my work done when it was slack there, and to have some pocket money. But the MUN connection ended in August 2008. After that, I literally bummed around for a few months. Started volunteering with Rogers on "Out of the Fog". It wasn't until after Christmas that I landed a bit of freelance work with Water Werks.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Wait Is Over

I found a file hosting website to make the album available. So without further adieu I present to you Vitamin N's "Moments" in all it's sonic glory:

download link

Feel free to share it with your friends if you deem it worthy.


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Losing My Mind!!!

I don't know if it's just me, but do you really start to lose your sense of recall as early as thirty or is there some other reason for my lack of general concentration? Case in point: I'm at work and I just took a call from an older gentleman buying tickets for a Symphony show. He wanted one adult ticket, one student ticket and two senior tickets. Between the time he told me and the time it took me to bring up the seating plan screen, I had already forgotten how many he wanted of any kind. The actual time that passed was something like five seconds and I still couldn't keep it straight in my head. Besides the fact that he got unnecessarily annoyed with my lack of recall, I started to wonder... how many times has this happened to me recently? As it happens, it has been a few too many times for my liking. It's like I'm in a fog, and I can see and hear what's happening, but none of it is staying with me. Another good example: Terry and I wrote approximately six songs in the month of February and I still can't tell you most of the lyrics or even remember what lyrics are from which song!
My co-workers can attest to this anomaly as well. I forget things they tell me in conversations all the time. I forget people's names, birthday's and even some things I've told people as well. I mean, I've pretty much been in a daze since September, but you'd think I'd be able to remember what some old man told me only five seconds before right?
I guess that's it. The youngest Noseworthy is losing her mind, slowly but surely. Then again, do I really want to remember how many tickets a customer wanted to buy? Surely there are more important things that I could fill my head with.... like what's happening on Coronation Street, or knowing that America is named after Amerigo Vespucci. I can still kick Terry's butt on Jeopardy, but I can't remember what he said to me during the commercial break. That doesn't bode well, does it?

Punch It, Chewie!

When I was a kid, I loved being on stage or in front of people. I didn’t really get terribly nervous about dance recitals or school plays. I seemed to be able to just shut out most of the worry and fear of what may go wrong and just perform. Mom may remember that differently, but I don’t recall being particularly nervous.

I would usually be the one thrust in front in dance shows, partly because I did tend to remember the routines quite well, and also because I would smile and perform. I’m not saying I was a fantastic dancer or anything, but I would look as though I was enjoying myself on stage. I remember being told that I was like this from dance teachers and also from a school teacher of mine whose sister was in my dance school. He would make a point of telling me how much he enjoyed the dance I was in, and that I was smiling and having fun throughout. Once, he even did this while I was with a girl from my dance class, and he didn’t say anything at all to her. She was pissed.

I liked reading aloud in class, and I liked being asked to take on special tasks. I loved being the announcer at church, I loved being on the radio in university. While my stomach would be doing flip-flops, I still did enjoy playing in a big hockey or soccer game, or being asked to referee a playoff or a final. I knew that I could handle it.

Now, though, I seem to have forgotten all of that. I forgot the confidence I had when it came to being in front of a crowd or performing something. I have an almost crippling fear that I’d mess up, look like a moron, or just plain fail. I don’t want to be in situations where I have to talk or present in front of people. I feel almost like I’m going to throw up when I’m forced to do anything about it.

I don’t know when that switch was flicked, so to speak. I can’t put my finger on when all of this mattered to me so much. I worry that if I write something and put it out there for people to read that they’ll laugh, or think I’m stupid, or not read it. I can’t even be silly in front of my friends, for God’s sake! Whenever I’m in a position to be silly, like on my podcast, I can’t do it. My mind is working overtime and I stress over whether or not I’m funny or interesting or smart. I can’t tell myself that sometimes, people just won’t like you, or that not everything out of my mouth has to be comedy gold. That doesn’t seem to be good enough for me.

I have some friends that don’t mind sacrificing a little dignity to get a laugh or a reaction. I am so envious of them and their carefree attitude. I’ll never be the “look at me, look at me!” type, but I would love to be able to make a pratfall, growl like Chewbacca or sing out loud in public and not care about what other people are thinking.

This may be something that happens to everyone as they get older; who knows. You would think it would be the opposite, that when you start to get older, you give less and less of a crap about how others looked at you. Old people don’t seem to give a rat’s ass what they say, how they say it, or if they fart in a crowded room. In the end, who cares? They aren’t hurting anyone, really.

So, I am saying it here, I am not going to care so much anymore about what I say, how I say it, and who hears it. Of course, I’m not going to start walking around hurling racial slurs or derogatory comments at people, but my fear of someone thinking I’m stupid should not be enough to curtail my creativity or sense of fun. There will always be detractors, in fact, I’m sure there are people out there who don’t like me already. Hell, the internet is nothing but message boards full of people who hate everyone and everything. I, myself, have posted comments about people or movies or tv shows that I don’t care for. But, people listened to comments like that, no one would make music, tv shows or movies!

This is years and many layers to get through, people, so don’t expect me to do a complete 180, but I will try. Silly Sandi has been unleashed. Ask me about my Chewie impression.

Monday, March 2, 2009

We're Done!

So we managed to finish this crazy experiment and what we are left with is a collection of tunes we can be proud of. I think it has exceeded our own expectations in what we're capable of and it definately shows off how much we've improved over that wedding CD we did. There is still a lot we could have done with the songs and so much we should have done but since "time can't give you back the years that you've been missing" pretty much sums up the theme of the album, I'll be eating my own words if I dwell on it too much.

Unfortunatly the RPM site no longer lets you upload your songs once the challenge is over so you'll have to keep bugging us until we send you a copy if you want to hear it. Maybe it'll appear in the RPM Jukebox once they recieve the album (it's currently in the mail), who knows.

Anyways, we hope you'll get the opportunity to listen to it soon and tell us what you think.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Weight loss, workouts, and what to eat

March 1st. Hard to believe that the first two months of 2009 are over.

As most people know, I have been on an exercise/eat better/quit smoking plan since November of last year. In that time I have lost roughly 25 pounds (maybe more as I never did know my weight going in) and I have gained some amount of muscle mass.

As it is the beginning of a new month and tomorrow is the beginning of a new week, I think it's time to try a few more changes.

For one, I am going to eliminate diet cola. That's going to be hard, as Dad drinks it himself and besides water that is usually all that is around here to drink.

(As a side note; again as most people know, I am living at home, and with freelance work coming in slowly and inconsistently, moving out on my own is not really an option at the moment. So, that obviously presents several challenges. I have to ask for certain things when Dad makes a trip to the grocery store. Now these are things that neither Mom nor Dad will eat/drink, etc. Its not easy or cheap to eat, let alone eat healthy. But so far Mom and Dad have been very understanding and supportive of these changes. But I digress...)

In place of diet cola I will try and drink more water. I also am going to try & drink Crystal Light (comes in handy 500ml pouches). I'll still have my daily cup(s) of tea. Not nearly as many as Dave Penney though!

As for food, I have to make a better effort to eat more fruit. Vegetables as well. I have made some very small strides in that area, as I now eat tomato & lettuce on subs (something I never ever used to do).

Another area I am going to work on is snacks, especially late-night snacks. Now this is an area I'm sure people will differ vastly on. Not only over what you should eat, but when you should eat.

Being a night owl, I am usually up until at least 2am. That's pretty much my TV time; watching re-runs of House, The Simpson's and Family Guy. And when I watch TV I like to have something to munch on. No reason it can't be fruit I suppose. But as much as I want to lose weight, I am not going to totally deprive myself of food I enjoy.

To that end I've been trying to replace chips with popcorn. And it's worked for the most part. I still have too many lapses though, and before I know it I'm halfway through a bag of chips. (Ketchup are usually my favorite flavor). Along with the popcorn, I'm trying whole grain nachos and salsa. As I said, no need to deprive yourself.

It's all about moderation.

As for exercise, my weight training with Jason (aka BG [Baby Gibblets], aka BAG [Baby Audio Gibblets], aka BUG [Baby Uncle Gibblets]) is going really well. Where I am falling down slightly (still!) is with cardio. So starting tomorrow, and on that advice of BG, I am going to try to increase my speed on the treadmill.

I figure if I can get these elements all together I'll see some more weight come off in the next month.

One can only hope!

Friday, February 27, 2009

More Vitamin N!

Hey everybody. Sorry I haven't been contributing in a while, but we've been busy with the RPM project. Very recently, and quite last minute, we've made a new addition to our group. He's Trevor Barker, an old work friend of Terry's. He's an amazing pianist and he also plays a little bass, so we're looking forward to having him on board. Of course we left it until the last minute, but that's just how we work. Sometimes I wonder how we ever get anything done but we always manage to somehow.
Anyway, we'll be busily strumming and singing away this weekend to finish up the album, because the deadline is the end of the month. So wish us luck and we'll post it all as soon as we can.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

We're Baaaack

Hey everyone! It's the new sensation sweeping the internet nation! It's a new podcast from Paul and Sandi! We can promise more random topics of conversation, like who we would take to the Oscars if we were nominated, cats driving stock cars, and Battlestar Galactica.

Paul seems to have tried a new idea in this one: a music track running underneath the chatting. Weigh in. Music or no music?

Also, we do appreciate comments, whether it's "You guys are awesome. You're revolutionizing the way I get information on the internet." or "You guys suck worse than Two and a Half Men." We can take it.

Click here for all the hilarity and useless factoids.

Returning to school?

Not 100% sure about it yet, but I may be going back to school over the summer, and I am looking at this program as a possibility.

So far my career has been stalled, as there are not a whole lot of writing jobs here in NL. So I figure return to MUN over the summer to complete these courses and see what happens. I think more education will mean more opportunities.

The novel and hopefully some freelance work with Water Werks will continue.

I've got until March 30th to think it over.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Album Progress!

Hey there Vitamin N fans! I just wanted to update everyone on the progress we've been making on the album. So far we have about 7 new songs written and about 3 and 1/2 recorded. I also have a pile of "backup" songs I can polish up if we don't make the quota. You can check out the new blog post as well as two new tracks over at the RPM website. We've also created an album cover using a pic I took in Toronto's Union Station a lifetime ago which is also posted there.

Only 5 days left, pressure's on!

Keep rockin'


Let the novel begin!

Well today I took the bull by the horns. (A cliche! Kathleen Winter is going to kill me!) I've been saying that I want to get started on writing a fictional account of Mom's family growing up on St. Brendan's. Recently I started a very rough draft of the opening of the book. Today I actually sat down (with pen and my leather-bound notebook, what with me being a professional writer & all) and started asking Mom about some of her memories.

There are a lot of directions this book can go. But what I think I want to emphasize is strong character development and good physical descriptions of the landscape. I have a lot of this mapped out in my head. Now it's just a matter of putting it to paper (and to Microsoft Word).

As its a snowy day here in good old St. John's, and I have no work pressing, now is as good a time as any to do just that.

Wish me luck!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

And The Oscar Goes To.....


So today is 'podcast day', it would seem. We recorded a second, impromptu session last night with special guest Susanne to discuss today's Oscar ceremony. We discuss what movies we loved from 2008, and who we think will take home an award later tonight.

Check it out!

We're heeeeeere!

Here it is! The wait is over! Here's the inaugural podcast by Paul and Sandi. We don't really have an awesome name for it yet, but we're working on it. It's literally Paul and I gabbing for a little while, but I can promise some insight and some laughs. Just click on the title of the post, and it will give you the link. Please leave some comments and let us know how we did!!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Music Years

As a follow on to the day the music died post, I have also been recently delving into music lists and finding likes and dislikes. The list i have is growing as Declan can attest to, and i would say he is slightly frightened at the amount of music I actually enjoy.

Well i can say that my taste has not really changed and knowing all of you, you will snicker at that statement as you may think my taste is shite! But I'm now going through a very huge nostalgic phase, I've always been that way i suppose. I am actually going through a list of music year by year from 1970 onwards . Its a very large list as my taste in the 70's is broad from Zepplin to Dr.Hook to Seals and Crofts. Yes i know that last one is Seals and Crofts but now I'm all about music reminding me of something, and i guess that last one reminds me of an album Mom and Dad had years ago so. Its an interesting process going through songs year by year and who knows when i will stop, but the 70's are patching up to be the banner years so far!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Sandi & Paul CAST!!

So, if you've been reading along, you've now heard from all of the Noseworthy kids, as well as the honourary members. In the beginning, when I first thought about this blog, I envisioned a place where we Noseworthys and our friends could come together and share our talents for writing, drawing, photography, and all points in between. To that end, I'm introuducing a new contributor to the blog, my friend Paul!! Yay!!

Paul had a great idea recently. Well, he's had some good ideas in the past, too, I'm sure, but this one was pure gold! He suggested that he and I do a podcast. I was instantly excited about that. I thought, we both like to gab, we make each other laugh; surely other people would love to hear us ramble on about movies or tv.

To that end, we're going to record a podcast every week, and post it here. That's right! This blog is going all multimedia, people! Stay tuned for the very first podcast. You'll hear all about the Magic Awards, musical Nazis, and the Riggs mullet. I really am not kidding about any of that.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


So, I'm second in with my Happy Birthday to Mom. She is going to be mad that we're discussing her online, and she'll be even madder that I'm posting pics, but she does deserve a nice birthday tribute!

We're not allowed to discuss just which birthday this is for Mom, in fact, we're not even supposed to know which birthday this is. Still, a birthday is a reason to celebrate and reflect. Have a great day, Mom. I hope you're not snowed in too badly.

Let's see if you can figure out who the babies are in these pictures.

Happy Birthday Mom

Now is the time to become a blogger, and never having done it before is no excuse :)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Keeping on top of things

While I'm not disagreeing with keeping on top of the blog, I will say that it's not easy to 'force' yourself to write (or do anything creative for that matter). Sometimes you have to stay away from the process altogether, and when you come back to it you are refreshed and ready to write again.

This post is an excellent example of that. I started writing it yesterday and am still working on it. I realize that for some my writing style may seem unorganized and confusing, but somehow it works for me. Of course I have to rely on my editing skills this way, and it forces me to go back through things to make sure I am at least a little coherent.

But I do agree with our youngest sibling contributing more. And don't use the excuse that you have nothing to say!